All FAQs
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Is the daily peak load contribution (“PLC”) and network transmission service peak load (“NSPL”) data adjusted for the NYPA allocation? Why is the sum of the values across the detail sheets not always exactly equal to the values on the summary sheet in the “PECO R PLC&NSPL Data” file?
The daily peak load contribution (“PLC”) and network transmission service peak load (“NSPL”) data for the Residential class are not adjusted for the NYPA allocation. The differences are due to the loss of precision—the Summary Sheet and Detail Sheet are published independently to one decimal. As a result, the summary sheet is a more accurate representation of total than adding up details.
12/16/2024 in Data
Is the hourly load data in the Data Room already adjusted to include UFE? How does PECO allocate UFE?
The hourly load data in the Data Room has already been adjusted to include Unaccounted for Energy (“UFE”).PECO allocates UFE to all Load Serving Entities in the PECO zone (i.e., to EGS and default service Load Serving Entities) each month based on load-ratio share. Prior to March 2015 UFE is allocated to monthly-metered customers and not to hourly/interval metered customers. Starting in March 2015 UFE is allocated to all customers, including hourly/interval metered customers.
12/16/2024 in Data
Are the Hourly PJM Deration Factors for the PECO Zone provided in Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Prevailing Time?
Hourly reports align with Eastern Prevailing Time. For instance, Hour 1 pertains to the hour between 12:00 a.m. EPT and 1:00 a.m. EPT. Daylight Savings Time (DST) is treated as follows:- Hourly reports spanning the Fall DST period contain 25 consecutive hours.
- Hourly reports spanning the Spring DST period contain 23 consecutive hours.
For more information please see the Data Description document posted to the Data Room.
12/16/2024 in Data
Can you confirm that the hourly load data, and daily PLC and NSPL data in the Data Room has not already been adjusted for the NYPA allocation?
The daily peak load contribution (“PLC”) and network transmission service peak load (“NSPL”) data for the Residential class are not adjusted for the NYPA allocation. Hourly load data for the Residential Class, which is broken down by load related to PECO’s default service customers (“Default Energy”) and load related to customers who have elected to be supplied by an Electric Generation Supplier (“EGS Energy”), is handled differently. In regard to the hourly load data for the Residential class, PECO subtracts the NYPA allocation from the Default Energy (MWh) column and adds a corresponding amount to the EGS Energy (MWh) column. For more information see the data description document posted to the Monthly data page in the Data Room.
12/16/2024 in Data
Does the hourly load data provided in the Data Room include transmission and distribution loss factors?
The hourly load data provided in the Data Room includes both applicable distribution and transmission losses. These hourly load values will be de-rated by PJM for marginal losses prior to energy settlement. PECO provides hourly marginal loss deration factors in the Data Room. Please see Section 3.a.iii. Assumptions on page 10 of the data description document for assumptions and additional information related to the hourly energy data provided.
12/16/2024 in Data
Has PECO implemented a time-of-use (“TOU”) rate option for residential and small commercial customers?
PECO has implemented a TOU rate option for default service customers. Any residential customer who elects to go on TOU rate will be assigned to the residential default load. Any small commercial customer who opts to go on the TOU rate will be assigned to the small commercial default service load. See Tariff information for TOU rates for Procurement Class 1 (residential) and Procurement Class 2 (small commercial): https://www.peco.com/MyAccount/MyBillUsage/Pages/CurrentElectric.aspx.
12/16/2024 in General , Rates
Where can I find a comprehensive list of historical default service rates for each customer class?
PECO posts a Default Service rate calculation model that translates the prices determined through this RFP into Default Service rates or “Price to Compare” ("PTC") by customer class since 2022. These PTCs are available on the Company website here below the heading 'PTC Archive': https://www.peco.com/MyAccount/MyService/Pages/ElectricPricetoCompare.aspx.
12/16/2024 in Rates
Is Buyer or Seller the responsible party for Network Integration Transmission Service (ID #1100)?
PECO is the responsible party for Network Integration Transmission Service charges (ID #1100). Appendix D to the Uniform SMA provides the PJM Billing Statement line items, including transmission charges, and the responsible party (Buyer or Seller) for each item.
12/16/2024 in Contract
What is the settlement volume for which Default Suppliers are paid?
Default Suppliers are responsible for and are paid based on a percentage of the Default Load for a Class. The applicable settlement volume includes distribution losses, transmission losses, unaccounted for energy (as reflected in PJM settlement volumes), and adjustments required by PJM for PJM’s derating in conjunction with implementation of marginal losses as appropriate per PJM Agreements. The hourly load data provided in the Data Room includes both applicable distribution and transmission losses, and has not been de-rated. PJM hourly de-ration factors and the hourly UFE values are available separately on the Data Room page on the RFP website. Please also see the Data Description Document, for information regarding how PECO allocates Unaccounted For Energy (“UFE”) to all Load Serving Entities (“LSEs”) in PECO’s zone.
12/16/2024 in Contract
Will DS Suppliers be responsible for Transmission Enhancement charges?
PECO is the responsible party for Transmission Enhancement charges (ID #1108). Appendix D to the Uniform SMA provides the PJM Billing Statement line items, including transmission charges, and the responsible party (Buyer or Seller) for each item.
12/16/2024 in Rules
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