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February 03, 2012: Guaranty Process – Spring 2012 Solicitation


All potential bidders can use the standard form of guaranty for the Full Requirements SMA and the Block Energy SMA.
Potential bidders may also submit an alternate guaranty form for consideration by PECO, or submit modifications to the form of guaranty that are non-material or advantageous to both PECO and the prospective supplier. PECO has specified a list of minimum requirements that any alternate guaranty form must satisfy. These requirements are listed in the Spring 2012 Guaranty Process document posted to the Supplier Information – Documents page.
Alternate guaranty forms must be sent by certified mail, registered mail, hand delivery, or overnight delivery service. Proposed modifications to the form of guaranty must be submitted electronically, in Microsoft Word with tracked changes, and may be saved to a CD and sent to the Independent Evaluator, or emailed to the Independent Evaluator at pecoprocurement@nera.com.
The deadline for submission of materials is 12PM (noon) EPT on Friday, February 10, 2012.
All materials must be sent to:
NERA - Independent Evaluator
PECO Default Service Program RFPs
1835 Market Street, Suite 1205
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Or pecoprocurement@nera.com


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