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January 07, 2013: FINAL REMINDER: PECO’s DSPII Webcast TODAY – Participation Information Included

A webcast that will provide information regarding the upcoming solicitation under PECO’s second Default Service Program (“DSP II”) will be held TODAY – Monday, January 7, 2013 at 10:30 AM (EPT).  Topics in this webcast will include: the products available, the load caps, the terms of the Default Service Supply Master Agreement, the qualification process, and the comment process for the Letters of Credit. Log in will open at 10 AM EPT.

Participation instructions are as follows:
*Dial-in information for the audio portion of the call:
U.S./Canada Attendee Dial-in: (877) 362-1746
International Attendee Dial-in: (901) 300-3501
Conference ID: 85708515
Log-in information for the web conference 
Attendee Direct URL:  https://oliverwyman.webex.com/oliverwyman/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=753592090
Alternate URL:  https://oliverwyman.webex.com
Event Number:  753 592 090
Join Test Meeting: www.webex.com/lp/jointest/ 

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