ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTJune 02, 2009: Part 2 Proposal Instructions: Supply Master Agreement
On June 1st, the Independent Evaluator sent Notifications of Qualification, including a CD, via overnight delivery. On this CD, each RFP Bidder will find its own Supply Master Agreement (“SMA”) in PDF format. This SMA document has already been filled out with each RFP Bidder’s information, as submitted with the Part 1 Form. Each RFP Bidder that submits a Part 2 Proposal must return the signed Supply Master Agreement using the SMA document provided on the CD.
Instructions for submission of the SMA with the Part 2 Proposal are as follows:
* the RFP Bidder prints two (2) originals of the applicable SMA(s);
* the Officer of the RFP Bidder signs each of the two (2) signature pages of the applicable SMA(s) (page 40 of the Full Requirements SMA and page 32 of the Block Energy SMA);
* the Officer of the RFP Bidder signs each of the two (2) originals of Exhibit J, the PJM Declaration of Authority (Full Requirements Only);
* the RFP Bidder includes both originals of the entire SMA, including all necessary exhibits, with its Part 2 Proposal.
Please note that the Officer of the RFP Bidder is the individual designated as Officer of the RFP Bidder in the Part 1 Proposal.
Word versions of the SMA will not be provided. Please consult Article V of the RFP Rules for further instructions regarding the Part 2 Proposal.