ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTJuly 07, 2015: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT:The Schedule for the Second Solicitation Under DSP III Has Changed!
PECO RFP: Announcing the Second Solicitation under DSP III
Important! The Schedule Has Changed
The Bid Date for the September 2015 Solicitation, the second solicitation under PECO’s current Default Service Program (“DSP III”), has been moved to Wednesday, September 9, 2015 with some solicitation deadlines scheduled in August. The updated RFP Schedule is attached and is also available on the Calendar page of the RFP website.
This solicitation is to procure full requirements service on a fixed-price basis for PECO’s residential, small commercial, and medium commercial classes.
To submit bids in this solicitation, a supplier must present its qualifications through the submission of a Part 1 Proposal by 12 PM (noon) EST on August 21, 2015. Both the Part 1 and Part 2 windows have been extended to allow more time for submission of the required materials.