ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTJanuary 20, 2016: PECO RFP: INVITATION: February 3 Webcast - RSVP NOW!; REMINDER: Deadline for Guaranty Process
You are invited to attend a webcast on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 2:00 PM (EPT) for the March 2016 Solicitation under PECO’s third Default Service Program. The documents for this solicitation are posted to the RFP website. These include the documents to participate in the Optional Guaranty Process; the deadline for submission to the Optional Guaranty Process is 6PM EPT on Thursday, February 4, 2016.
New! The March 2016 Solicitation will procure full requirements service on a spot-price basis for the medium commercial (“MC”) class. Full details regarding this transition of the MC class from fixed-price to spot-price default service will be covered during the webcast. Please RSVP to receive dial-in information.