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January 09, 2019: PECO RFP – ANNOUNCEMENT: Deadline for Intention to Use the Alternate Guaranty Process; POSTING: Revised RFP Rules and Revised Acceptable Modifications to the Standard Pre-Bid Letter of Credit

All potential bidders that rely on the financial standing of a guarantor may use the Standard Guaranty appended to the PECO Energy Company Pennsylvania Default Service Supplier Master Agreement (“Uniform SMA”).  Potential bidders that have corporate policies that prevent them from using the Standard Guaranty and that wish to submit an alternate guaranty form for consideration by PECO must advise the Independent Evaluator of their intention by Tuesday, January 29, 2019.

Please note that:

If you intend to submit an alternate guaranty form for consideration by PECO, please submit us your notice via email at pecoprocurement@nera.com by Tuesday, January 29, 2019.

Additionally, a revised version of the RFP Rules with an updated Table I-2 and a revised version of the Acceptable Modifications to the Standard Pre-Bid Letter of Credit have been posted to the Supplier Information – Documents page.

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