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August 04, 2020: Announcing the Final Solicitation under PECO’s DSP IV; Posting - RFP Documents for September 2020 Solicitation

PECO is holding an eighth solicitation under DSP IV to procure full requirements service for two classes of customers: the residential class and the small commercial class. The Bid Date is Tuesday, September 29, 2020. To submit bids in this solicitation, a supplier must present its qualifications through the submission of a Part 1 Proposal by 12 PM (noon) EPT on Tuesday, September 15, 2020.

In response to emergency measures in place due to COVID-19 the Independent Evaluator has posted an Addendum to the RFP Rules, which details modifications to the processing of Proposals for the upcoming solicitation. These modifications include an additional option to use digital signatures to complete the Inserts, the requirement to submit the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit as an electronic PDF file by electronic means, and greater flexibility in resubmission of the Bid Form (if needed).

The Independent Evaluator has also posted the RFP documents, Uniform SMA, and credit related documents to the Supplier Information / Documents page. The Standard Pre-Bid Letter of Credit has been amended to accommodate electronic submission. Bidders may propose modifications to the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit and Standard Post-Bid Letter of Credit at any time through the Part 1 Date, September 15, 2020.

Lastly, the calendar for the September 2020 Solicitation is now available on the Calendar page of the RFP website.

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