ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTAugust 28, 2020: POSTING: Digital Signatures Instructions; Inserts Are Available On the Proposal Website
For the September 2020 Solicitation, RFP Bidders have an additional option to use digital signatures for completing the Inserts to the Part 1 Form and Part 2 Form that require a signature. If a digital signature is used, the RFP Bidder must provide an additional document or information that verifies the identity of the signatory along with the completed Insert. The Independent Evaluator posted a Digital Signatures Instructions document to the Documents page of the RFP Website with screenshots for how to obtain the additional document or information.
The required Inserts are available for download on the Inserts tab on and on the Documents page of the RFP Website. The Part 1 Form will be available starting on September 3, 2020 and the Part 1 Window will open on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. Part 1 Proposals will only be processed during the Part 1 Window.
To receive login credentials, use this link to request an account. Login credentials for returning RFP Bidders and for new requests will be provided by September 2, 2020.