ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTDecember 21, 2021: PECO RFP: ANNOUNCING the Third Solicitation under PECO’s DSP V; Posting: RFP Documents for March 2022 Solicitation
PECO is holding a third solicitation under DSP V to procure full requirements service for three classes of customers: the residential class, the small commercial class, and the consolidated large commercial and industrial class. The Bid Date is March 15, 2022. To submit bids in this solicitation, a supplier must present its qualifications through the submission of a Part 1 Proposal by 12 PM (noon) EPT on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.
Documents for this solicitation, including the RFP Rules, Uniform SMA, Inserts, and credit related documents, have been posted to the RFP Website. The calendar is now available on the Calendar page.