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September 21, 2022: PECO RFP – Independent Evaluator Will Notify RFP Bidders of Winning Bids by 3:00 PM EPT for September 2022 Solicitation

On September 6, 2022, in light of volatility in energy markets, the Independent Evaluator committed to an earlier notification of Bids that will be provided to the Commission as winning Bids on the Bid Date. Based on feedback related to the timing in this prior announcement, the Independent Evaluator is committing to an earlier timeline for this September 2022 Solicitation and will notify RFP Bidders of Bids that will be provided to the Commission as winning Bids by 3:00 PM EPT on the Bid Date.  The Independent Evaluator will provide notification by phone by 3:00PM EPT. The Independent Evaluator will endeavor to also provide written confirmation by 3:00PM EPT; however, it is possible that written confirmation will be provided after that time.

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