ARCHIVED AND NO LONGER RELEVANTDecember 21, 2023: PECO RFP - ANNOUNCING the March 2024 Solicitation under PECO’s DSP V; POSTING: RFP Documents
PECO is holding a solicitation in March to procure full requirements service for three classes of customers: the residential class, the small commercial class, and the consolidated large commercial and industrial class. The Bid Date is March 12, 2024. To submit bids in this solicitation, a supplier must present its qualifications through the submission of a Part 1 Proposal by 12 PM (noon) EPT on Tuesday, February 27, 2024.
Documents for this solicitation, including the RFP Rules, Uniform SMA, Illustrative Part 1 and Part 2 Forms outlining the qualification requirements, and credit related documents, have been posted to the RFP Website. The calendar is now available on the Calendar page.