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June 23, 2010: PECO Procurement: Spring 2010 Solicitation Results

In the PECO Energy Default Service Plan settlement filing, which was approved by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission on April 16, 2009, parties agreed to the public release of certain information regarding the results of each solicitation 30 days after the solicitation (or 21 days before the supply period starts, whichever comes earlier).  The Spring 2010 solicitation was held on May 24, 2010 for supply starting on January 1, 2011.  The following information about the Spring 2010 solicitation, and the aggregate Full Requirements Small Commercial and Medium Commercial results from the Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 solicitations is provided in accordance with the PUC Order:

Full Requirements Products:

Spring 2010 Solicitation Results
Residential Class
Average winning bid price ($/MWh): $69.38
Number of suppliers qualified to submit bids: 12
Number of suppliers that won: 1
Tranches procured for the Fixed-Price 17-month product: 8 tranches
Tranches procured for the Fixed-Price 29-month product: 3 tranches

Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 Solicitation Results (aggregate results)
Small Commercial Class
Average winning bid price ($/MWh): $77.65
Number of suppliers qualified to submit bids: 15
Number of suppliers that won: 4
Tranches procured for the Fixed-Price 17-month product: 12 tranches
Tranches procured for the Fixed-Price 29-month product: 3 tranches

Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 Solicitation Results (aggregate results)
Medium Commercial Class

Average winning bid price ($/MWh): $77.89
Number of suppliers qualified to submit bids: 15
Number of suppliers that won: 5
Tranches procured for the Fixed-Price 17-month product: 11 tranches

Spring 2010 Solicitation Results
Large Commercial & Industrial Class

Average winning bid price ($/MWh): $77.55
Number of suppliers qualified to submit bids: 12
Number of suppliers that won: 3
Tranches procured for the Fixed-Price 12-month product: 20 tranches

Block Energy Products:

Spring 2010 Solicitation Results
Baseload 12-month

Average winning bid price ($/MWh): $49.00
Number of suppliers qualified to submit bids: 8
Number of suppliers that won: 2
Number of 12-month baseload blocks procured: 4 blocks (40 MW total) 
Spring 2010 Solicitation Results
Baseload 24-month and Baseload 60-month (aggregate results)
Average winning bid price ($/MWh): $53.26
Number of suppliers qualified to submit bids: 8
Number of suppliers that won: 4
Number of 24-month baseload blocks procured: 5 blocks (50 MW total)
Number of 60-month baseload blocks procured: 5 blocks (50 MW total)

Four blocks of the 2-month winter peak product were also procured in this solicitation.  It is expected that aggregate results for the Block Energy RFP from the Spring 2010 and Fall 2010 solicitations for this product will be released subsequent to the Fall 2010 solicitation.  Please see Exhibit G of the settlement, which explains the agreement of the parties regarding the public release of certain information regarding the results of each solicitation.

Rate Impacts are discussed in this document.

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