FAQ Archives - DSP IV - September 2017 Solicitation
The FAQs on this page are no longer relevant, as they are from past solicitations. These FAQs are posted here only for reference purposes. Do not rely on the information provided on this page for the current solicitation.
Is PECO’s contract with Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc. for supply from the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”) for both energy and capacity? What is the NYPA allocation for the 2018/2019 Planning Year?
PECO receives for the benefit of its residential customers an annual allocation of capacity and associated energy from the St. Lawrence hydroelectric project operated by the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”). PECO has established a separate sub-account with PJM exclusively for the St. Lawrence project power allocation from NYPA for a slice of the residential default load. Thus Default Suppliers are not responsible for any services required to serve this portion of the load. The NYPA power, therefore, serves to reduce supply needed from Default Suppliers in proportion to their share associated with their tranches of the Residential Class.The NYPA allocation for the 2018/ 2019 planning year is not available. The NYPA determines the annual allocation based on the number of residential customers PECO serves. PECO does not provide forecasts of its number of residential customers, thus PECO cannot speculate on how this allocation would change in the future.
10/04/2017 in Contract
Are Default Suppliers responsible for providing any of the services or products included in full requirements service for the fractional percentage of committed energy and capacity obtained under contract with Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc. for supply from the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”)?
No. Default Load for the Residential Class is reduced by a fractional percentage of committed energy and capacity obtained under contract with Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc. for supply from the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”). Default Suppliers are not responsible for providing any of the services or products included in full requirements service for NYPA supply.
09/26/2017 in Contract
What was PECO’s ARR nomination eligibility (the maximum ARR MW that it could request) for 2017-2018 planning year?
This information is not available. Please see the available data in the Data Room on the RFP Website: http://pecoprocurement.com/index.cfm?s=dataRoom&p=monthly
09/21/2017 in Contract
Does PECO plan to have ARR credits to transfer to winning bidders of the March 2018 solicitation for the 2018/19 planning year?
For the 2018/2019 and 2019/20 PJM years, in regards to the products available in the September 2017 Solicitation, under the Uniform SMA, the Default Suppliers (and not PECO) are the Load Serving Entities ("LSEs") in PJM and Default Suppliers can directly participate in PJM's annual ARR path nomination and allocation process.PECO will evaluate participating in ARR Allocation process for the 2018/19 PJM year in February 2018. An announcement will be sent during the March 2018 Solicitation regarding whether or not PECO has ARR credits to transfer to winning bidders for the 2018/19 PJM year for the products available in that solicitation.
09/21/2017 in Contract
Phase III of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program shows that PECO has estimated a potential savings of approximately 1,900,000 MWh from 2016-2020. What programs does PECO plan to implement and which customer classes will be targeted?
PECO’s Phase III Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plan is available on the PECO website here: https://www.peco.com/MyAccount/MyBillUsage/Pages/Filings.aspxThe petition and corresponding testimony include information on proposed EE Programs for residential, small commercial and large commercial and industrial customers.
09/21/2017 in Contract
There is a significant decrease in the Small Commercial PLC as of 6/1/2017, but the load data remains consistent. Can you please explain what is causing the decrease in PLC?
The historical PLC data in the Data Room is correct. It is the responsibility of the bidder to interpret possible reasons for PLC changes from year to year.
09/21/2017 in Data
In regards to the PLC data for the rate schedule GS, strata 107, the average hourly load during the 5 coincident peaks in 2016 was approximately 30 MWs (including both EGS and Default load), but the total PLC was 72.1 MW as of 8/31/2017, more than twice the load during the 5 coincident peaks. Additionally, historical usage from 2014 to 2017 for this strata has been very stable, but the PLC for this class has been increasing steadily from 54.6MW as of 1/1/2014 to 72.1MW as of 8/31/2017. Why has the PLC for strata 107 been increasing? Is the PLC based on the 5 coincident peak days that PJM publishes? If so, can you please explain if any multipliers were used and if the PLC for this strata was calculated differently than other stratas?
The data has been verified. It is the responsibility of the bidder to interpret possible reasons for PLC changes from year to year. Please see the presentation here provided by PECO detailing the PLC calculation.
09/21/2017 in Data
It is our understanding that Pennsylvania EDCs independently calculate Tier 1 Adjustments on top of the established Tier 1 obligation. What are PECO’s Tier 1 Adjustments pertaining to the products available in this solicitation?
The Adjusted Tier I obligations pertaining to the products available is this solicitation are not available at this time. As fully described in Appendix E to the Uniform SMA, PECO provides Default Suppliers with an estimate of AEPS obligations following the second quarter of the AEPS reporting period with a final statement within thirty (30) calendar days of the end of the AEPS reporting period. Historical data on AEPS Quarterly Adjustments is available on the Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Credit Program website here: http://www.pennaeps.com/electricity-suppliers/As stated in Appendix E, “If AEPS requirements change by law or any other reason, DS Supplier shall be responsible for providing the credits at its expense in order to comply with its obligations under Full Requirements Service.” A Default Supplier that fails to provide sufficient AECs for a tranche will be required to pay any AEPS penalties, costs, charges, etc. assessed against the Default Supplier and/or the Company associated with the Default Supplier’s non-performance with AEPS requirements.
09/21/2017 in Data
Are the data series in the data room adjusted for the NYPA allocation?
No, the data series in the data room are not adjusted for the NYPA allocation and suppliers are responsible for making these adjustments.
09/21/2017 in Data
Can RFP Bidders request modifications to the Uniform SMA?
The Uniform SMA was approved by the Commission in Docket No. P-2016-2534980 and comments will not be accepted at this time. RFP Bidders that apply to participate in the PECO RFP are required to accept all of the terms of the Uniform SMA without modifications. The Uniform SMA is posted on the Supplier Documents page of the RFP website as Appendix 1 to the RFP Rules:http://www.pecoprocurement.com/index.cfm?s=supplierInformation&p=documents
09/21/2017 in Contract
Does the fact that PECO does not have ARR credits to transfer for the 2017/2018 PJM planning year mean that bidders should assume a zero value for ARR credits in their bids for the period from December 2017 to May 2018 for all products in the September 2017 Solicitation?
For the 2017/18 PJM year, for all products available in the September 2017 Solicitation, PECO does not have ARR credits to transfer to winning bidders. The Independent Evaluator will not comment on how bidders should reflect this in their bids.
09/20/2017 in Contract
During the March 2017 Solicitation the Procurement Administrator announced, “Based on the results of the 2016 PJM Financial Transmission Rights (“FTR”) Auction and a third party analysis contracted by PECO to evaluate the projected system congestion for the 17/18 PJM year, PECO chose not to nominate Auction Revenue Rights (“ARRs”) for the 2017/18 PJM planning year and will not have ARR credits to transfer to winning bidders. For the 2018/2019 PJM year, in regards to the 24-month products, under the Uniform SMA, the Default Suppliers (and not PECO) are the Load Serving Entities ("LSEs") in PJM and Default Suppliers can directly participate in PJM's annual ARR path nomination and allocation process." How does this apply to the upcoming September 2017 Solicitation? Will the Default Suppliers participate directly in the PJM’s annual ARR path nomination and allocation process for the 2019/2020 planning year as well?
For the 2017/18 PJM year, for all products available in the September 2017 Solicitation, PECO does not have ARR credits to transfer to winning bidders. For the 2018/2019 and 2019/20 PJM years, in regards to the products available in the September 2017 Solicitation, under the Uniform SMA, the Default Suppliers (and not PECO) are the Load Serving Entities ("LSEs") in PJM and Default Suppliers can directly participate in PJM's annual ARR path nomination and allocation process.
09/19/2017 in Contract
What is the Expiration Date of the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit for the September 2017 solicitation?
The Expiration Date of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit can be any date on or after October 11, 2017, which is fifteen (15) business days after the Bid Date.
09/18/2017 in Credit
To whom should we send electronic versions of the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit once it has been issued?
The hardcopy executed Pre-Bid Letter of Credit must be sent by overnight delivery service to the Independent Evaluator at the address provided below. RFP Bidders may, but are not required to, upload an electronic executed version of the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit to the online Part 2 Form for evaluation. The hardcopy Pre-Bid Letter of Credit and any electronic versions should not be sent to PECO.NERA - Independent Evaluator
PECO Default Service Program RFPs
1835 Market Street, Suite 1205 Philadelphia, PA 19103
09/18/2017 in General , Credit
Can you provide an update on interval meter deployment? Which rate classes and strata will be interval metered at full deployment?
As of August 28, 2017, interval meter deployment for residential and commercial customers with annual peak demand less than 500 kW is anticipated to be completed by end of 2017 for active customers and deployment for commercial customers with annual peak demand 500 kW or greater is approximately 40% complete. At full deployment, interval meters will be installed for the rate schedules and strata indicated in the table below. Please note that only unmetered service are marked “No”.Rate Schedule
Interval Metered
08/29/2017 in General
Does a Default Supplier under DSP IV that wins tranches in a subsequent solicitation under DSP IV execute a new Uniform SMA?
A Default Supplier under DSP IV that has winning Bids that are approved by the Commission in a subsequent solicitation under DSP IV will execute one Transaction Confirmation for each product for which it has winning Bids and will not execute a new Uniform SMA.Please refer to paragraph I.3.6 of the RFP Rules, which states, "PECO and each such RFP Bidder execute a single Uniform SMA during the course of DSP IV. Each solicitation, PECO and each such RFP Bidder execute one Transaction Confirmation for each product for which such RFP Bidder has Bids that are approved by the Commission". The RFP Rules is available on the RFP Website here: http://www.pecoprocurement.com/index.cfm?s=supplierInformation&p=documents
08/18/2017 in Contract
What is the required amount of the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit?
An RFP Bidder must, in its Part 2 Proposal, submit a Pre-Bid Letter of Credit in an amount of at least: (i) $250,000 per tranche bid on products for the Residential Class; and (ii) $250,000 per tranche bid on products for the Small Commercial Class. This Pre-Bid Letter of Credit must be in the form of the Standard Pre-Bid Letter of Credit provided as Appendix 8 to the RFP Rules or must incorporate only modifications that have been approved by PECO and posted to the RFP website. For more information on the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit see V.2 in the RFP Rules: http://www.pecoprocurement.com/index.cfm?s=supplierInformation&p=documents
08/18/2017 in Credit
Is it acceptable to rely on the financial standing of a Foreign Guarantor?
Yes, RFP Bidders may rely on the financial standing of a Foreign Guarantor. Please see Paragraphs IV.5. and V.5. of the RFP Rules for additional requirements applicable to RFP Bidders with Foreign Guarantors. The RFP Rules are available on the Supplier Documents page of the RFP website: http://www.pecoprocurement.com/index.cfm?s=supplierInformation&p=documents.
08/18/2017 in Credit
If the State of Pennsylvania increases the AEPS obligation, is the Default Supplier responsible for the incremental cost?
Yes. Please see Appendix E of the Pennsylvania Default Service Supplier Master Agreement (“Uniform SMA”) which states, “If AEPS requirements change by law or any other reason, DS Supplier shall be responsible for providing the credits at its expense in order to comply with its obligations under Full Requirements Service.”
08/18/2017 in Contract
Is cash an acceptable form of pre-bid security?
No, cash is not an acceptable form of pre-bid security. An RFP Bidder must either use the Standard Pre-Bid Letter of Credit available on the RFP website here, or a Pre-Bid Letter of Credit that incorporates only those modifications to the Standard Pre-Bid Letter of Credit that have been approved by PECO and posted to the RFP website.
08/18/2017 in Credit , Rules
Who can sign the certifications required for the Part 1 Proposal?
Please see Paragraph III.1.13 of the RFP Rules. For a given solicitation, all representations and certifications required by the RFP, including those required for the Part 1 Proposal and Part 2 Proposal, must be made by a single individual who serves as Officer of the RFP Bidder. An Officer of the RFP Bidder is an individual authorized to undertake contracts (including the Uniform SMA) and bind the RFP Bidder.
08/18/2017 in Rules
In Exhibit 1, Transaction Confirmation, included in Appendix C of the Uniform SMA, there are blanks to provide the average costs for the Alternative Energy Credits (AECs). Will PECO provide these numbers to a winning bidder or are these numbers to be provided by the Seller?
Default Suppliers are responsible for providing the AECs necessary for PECO to meet its obligations under the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (“AEPS”) Act during the term of the Uniform SMA. The obligations of Default Suppliers in this regard are reduced by the AECs procured separately by PECO. The blanks in the Transaction Confirmation are for the Default Supplier to provide a price for each type of AEC (Tier I, Tier I Solar, and Tier II) that is included in the RFP Bidder’s winning Bids. As specified in the RFP Rules (see Paragraph V.1.2), each such price must be greater than $0/AEC. The RFP Bidder will be required to certify in its Part 2 Proposal that it will comply with this obligation.
08/18/2017 in Contract
On what volumes are the percentages listed for Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (“AEPS”) compliance based?
AEPS quantities are based on electric energy sold by an Electric Distribution Company (EDC) or Electric Generation Supplier (EGS) to retail electric customers. AEPS obligations are calculated based on the retail load, which is delivered energy at the retail meter and does not include marginal losses.
08/18/2017 in General
When are the solicitation results announced?
Within fifteen (15) days of the close of the solicitation, the Independent Evaluator releases the weighted average price as well as the percentage of load represented by each tranche for each product procured in that solicitation. When the results become available, the Independent Evaluator will make an announcement, and you will be able to access the results here: Background/Previous Results.
08/18/2017 in Rules
Is the historical hourly load data posted to the RFP website weather-normalized? How does PECO forecast load data? Does PECO forecast weather-normalized loads or is the monthly load forecast based on expected weather?
PECO does not make available forecasted data in the context of its Default Service Program RFP. The hourly load data posted to the RFP website is historical and not weather-normalized. Peak Load Contribution (“PLC”) values are based on the weather-normalized five coincident summer peaks from the prior year as per PJM methodology. PJM Manual 19 documents how peak load is weather-normalized. For more information on data series posted to the Data Room of the RFP website, please refer to the Data Description document.
08/18/2017 in Data
The monthly hourly load data in the Data Room section of the RFP website lists load (MWh) which is separated by “EGS load”, “PECO Default service load”, and “Total Energy”. Which of these three data series are used for settlement purposes by PECO for customers that are not hourly metered?
Each Default Service supplier is paid, in any given hour, on the basis of the share of the total Default Service load that the supplier is serving for each class in that hour. The supplier share is calculated based on the number of awarded tranches for each class times the percent size of each tranche. The hourly loads under the “EGS” category posted in the Data Room correspond to PECO’s retail customers who have elected to be supplied by an Electric Generation Supplier, and therefore do not belong to PECO load settlements, regardless of whether they are hourly metered or not.
08/18/2017 in Data
Are the names of winning RFP Bidders posted to the RFP website?
No, the names of winning RFP Bidders are not publicly available.
08/18/2017 in Rules
Where can I find the static Load profile info for PECO?
The static load profile data is located on the "Additional Data" page in the Data Room on the RFP website here. PECO started applying this static load profile data to monthly-metered customers (those without interval meters) on January 1, 2011. Please note that from 2006 through 2010, PECO developed hourly load data by customer group for monthly-metered customers using other older profiles and will not be able to retrofit the new load profiles to the historical hourly load data that is provided in the Data Room. For additional information, please see page 3 of the Data Description Document available here.
08/18/2017 in Data
Where can I find a comprehensive list of historical default service rates for each customer class?
PECO posts a Default Service rate calculation model that translates the prices determined through this RFP into Default Service rates or “Price to Compare” ("PTC") by customer class since 2011. These PTCs are available on the Company website here below the heading 'PTC Archive': www.peco.com/MyAccount/MyService/Pages/ElectricPricetoCompare.aspx
08/18/2017 in Rates
For the remaining Residential Default Load served by PECO, will PECO pay for all of the cost of full requirements service or only the cost of energy and AECs?
In regards to the remaining Default Load, PECO will be a Load Serving Entity in PJM and will acquire all necessary supply through PJM-administered markets and will obtain sufficient Alternative Energy Credits (“AECs”) at market prices to satisfy any near-term obligations under the AEPS Act. Default Suppliers are not responsible for any of the costs related to the portion of the Default Load of the Residential Class served by PECO.
08/18/2017 in Contract
Is the hourly load data posted in the Data Room for wholesale energy?
As stated in the data description document, the hourly load data provided in the Data Room on the RFP website includes applicable distribution and transmission losses. These values will be de-rated by PJM for marginal losses prior to energy settlement. PECO provides hourly marginal loss deration factors in the Data Room.
08/18/2017 in Data
Is a price on the Bid Form a price for a single tranche? Or does the price associated with the second tranche represent a price offered for two tranches?
Each price on the Bid Form is for a single tranche. A “Bid” is a price in $/MWh for one tranche of a given product.
08/18/2017 in Rules
What happens if my Pre-Bid Letter of Credit is not sufficient to support my Bids?
Please see paragraph VII.2.10 of the RFP Rules. The Independent Evaluator will determine for such RFP Bidder the greatest number of whole tranches that its Pre-Bid Letter of Credit is sufficient to support. The Independent Evaluator will strike a Bid from a Bid Form for any tranche that is not supported by the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit. The Independent Evaluator will remove a Bid first from the product where there is most competition, as measured by the ratio of the number of tranches bid to the number of tranches needed. For that product, the Independent Evaluator will start with the tranche that has the highest Bid. If more than one RFP Bidder submitted Pre-Bid Letters of Credit that are insufficient to support the number of tranches bid by each such RFP Bidder, the Independent Evaluator will first modify the Bid Form from the RFP Bidder whose Bid Form is received last.
08/18/2017 in Credit , Rules
Are Default Suppliers required to have a retail electricity license within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in order to qualify as a Default Supplier?
No, it is not a requirement under the Uniform SMA for suppliers to have a retail electricity license within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. When the PaPUC approves the results of a solicitation, it approves the bid prices that will determine retail rates and the winning suppliers that will provide supply to meet the load of Default Supply customers.
08/18/2017 in Contract , General
Do all winning bidders of a product receive the highest winning price for that product or does each winning bidder for a product receive the price as stated on their bid form?
For each product in this solicitation, a Default Supplier will be paid a supplier-specific price for each MWh of electric load served as specified in the Transaction Confirmation for that product. The supplier-specific price for a product will be the average of approved Bids for that Default Supplier and for that product, as provided in the Bid Form.
08/18/2017 in Rules
Are the Hourly PJM Deration Factors for the PECO Zone provided in Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Prevailing Time?
Hourly reports align with Eastern Prevailing Time. For instance, Hour 1 pertains to the hour between 12:00 a.m. EPT and 1:00 a.m. EPT. Daylight Savings Time (DST) is treated as follows:- Hourly reports spanning the Fall DST period contain 25 consecutive hours.
- Hourly reports spanning the Spring DST period contain 23 consecutive hours.
For more information please see the Data Description document posted to the Data Room.
08/18/2017 in Data
What was the timeline of the Medium Commercial Class transition from default service on a fixed-price basis to default service on an hourly-price basis?
On June 1, 2016, PECO’s non-residential customers with a Peak Load Contribution between 100kW and 500kW, known as the Medium Commercial Class until May 31, 2017, transitioned from default service on a fixed-price basis to default service on an hourly-price basis with energy priced to the PJM day-ahead spot market. Starting June 1, 2017, these customers were merged with PECO’s Large Commercial & Industrial Class, non-residential customers with a Peak Load Contribution greater than 500kW, to form the Consolidated Commercial & Industrial Class (“CCI”). CCI customers will receive default service on an hourly-price basis with energy priced to the PJM day-ahead spot market.
08/18/2017 in General
Please provide the PLC value for each Class for the 2017/18 delivery year.
The Total Peak (MW) and Default Peak (MW) for each Class is provided in Table I-2 of the RFP Rules. This data was updated as of August 2017 for delivery year 2017/18. The RFP Rules is available on the Supplier Documents page of the RFP Website: http://pecoprocurement.com/index.cfm?s=supplierInformation&p=documents
08/18/2017 in Rules , Data