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The hourly load data file posted in the data room for the small commercial group is missing data from 2/1/2024 through 5/31/2024 for the AL rate class. Can PECO post this missing data?
Hourly load data for the AL rate class is not currently available due to an internal system issue that is specific to this rate class. PECO is investigating this issue. There is currently one customer on the AL rate class, and that customer is not a default service customer.
12/16/2024 in Data
In the hourly load data file, for the CCI-GS rate schedule, the Default Energy (MWh) is negative for hours 10-13 on 10/27/2017. Also, for those same hours, in the Unaccounted For Energy (UFE) file, the Total Zone UFE (MW) is positive. Please confirm that the data is correct.
The values provided for the Default Energy (MWh) for the CCI-GS rate schedule and the Total Zone UFE in hours 10-13 on 10/27/2017 should be disregarded due to metering error.
12/16/2024 in Data
In the hourly load data file, for the CCI-HT rate schedule, the Default Energy (MWh) values from 3/1/2024 to 3/5/2024 are negative. Can you please confirm whether the data is correct?
The values from 3/1/2024 to 3/5/2024 in the file “PECO_CCI_Hourly_Load.xlsx” on tabs ‘CCI Total Hourly Load’ and ‘CCI-HT Hourly Load’ should be disregarded due to an error in the data.
12/16/2024 in Data
Where can I find ICAP Weather Factors for each load profile?
ICAP Weather Factors are available in the Data Room - Additional Data section of the RFP website.
12/16/2024 in Data
What are the line loss factors for calculating retail load from wholesale load?
The loss percentages for each customer class are available in PECO’s Current Electric Generation Supplier Tariff (see 6.6 Line Losses on page 30) available here: Current Electric Rate Information | PECO - An Exelon Company.
12/16/2024 in Data
What is PECO’s two-step process to settle the hourly load obligations with each LSE and PJM?
PECO settles hourly load obligations with each LSE and PJM via a two-step process:- Settlement A – PECO determines the estimated “day after” (delivery day) hourly load responsibility by recreating the load characteristics of the delivery day in question using a combination of available known, preliminary, and historically-based information. PECO then submits the load responsibility for all LSEs serving load on the settled day(s) to PJM in accordance with PJM procedural requirements and energy market schedules.
- Settlement B – PECO determines the final hourly load responsibility approximately 60 days after an energy delivery month by reconciling actual individual customer meter readings and applicable load profile data with the Settlement A data for that month. PECO then calculates and submits the energy variances from Settlement A hourly scheduling for all LSEs to PJM in accordance with PJM procedural requirements and energy market schedules.
PECO provides an overview of the determination of hourly load obligations on their website here: https://electricandgaschoice.force.com/s/article/Determination-of-Hourly-Load-Obligations-Overview
12/16/2024 in Data
What data is available related to the NYPA agreement?
PECO receives an annual allocation of capacity and associated energy from the New York Power Authority and uses this allocation to offset the amount of supply needed for the Residential Class. As confirmed in FAQ-15, “Default Load for the Residential Class is reduced by a fractional percentage of committed energy and capacity obtained under contract with Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc. for supply from the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”). Default Suppliers are not responsible for providing any of the services or products included in full requirements service for NYPA supply.”The annual allocation from NYPA is dependent on the number of residential customers PECO serves. PECO’s allocation for energy year 2024/25 is 5.848 MW. There is no other historical data available for the NYPA agreement on the RFP website.
Please see FAQ-37 for how data in the Data Room is handled in regard to NYPA.
12/16/2024 in Data
Is the daily peak load contribution (“PLC”) or the daily network transmission service peak load (“NSPL”) data scaled using the daily zonal scaling factors?
The daily peak load contribution (“PLC”) and network transmission service peak load (“NSPL”) data provided in Data Room are not scaled by the daily zonal scaling factor. The daily zonal scaling factors are provided in the file “PECO Daily Zonal Scaling Factor”.
12/16/2024 in Data
Is the daily peak load contribution (“PLC”) and network transmission service peak load (“NSPL”) data adjusted for the NYPA allocation? Why is the sum of the values across the detail sheets not always exactly equal to the values on the summary sheet in the “PECO R PLC&NSPL Data” file?
The daily peak load contribution (“PLC”) and network transmission service peak load (“NSPL”) data for the Residential class are not adjusted for the NYPA allocation. The differences are due to the loss of precision—the Summary Sheet and Detail Sheet are published independently to one decimal. As a result, the summary sheet is a more accurate representation of total than adding up details.
12/16/2024 in Data
Is the hourly load data in the Data Room already adjusted to include UFE? How does PECO allocate UFE?
The hourly load data in the Data Room has already been adjusted to include Unaccounted for Energy (“UFE”).PECO allocates UFE to all Load Serving Entities in the PECO zone (i.e., to EGS and default service Load Serving Entities) each month based on load-ratio share. Prior to March 2015 UFE is allocated to monthly-metered customers and not to hourly/interval metered customers. Starting in March 2015 UFE is allocated to all customers, including hourly/interval metered customers.
12/16/2024 in Data
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