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Are the Hourly PJM Deration Factors for the PECO Zone provided in Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Prevailing Time?
Hourly reports align with Eastern Prevailing Time. For instance, Hour 1 pertains to the hour between 12:00 a.m. EPT and 1:00 a.m. EPT. Daylight Savings Time (DST) is treated as follows:- Hourly reports spanning the Fall DST period contain 25 consecutive hours.
- Hourly reports spanning the Spring DST period contain 23 consecutive hours.
For more information please see the Data Description document posted to the Data Room.
12/16/2024 in Data
Can you confirm that the hourly load data, and daily PLC and NSPL data in the Data Room has not already been adjusted for the NYPA allocation?
The daily peak load contribution (“PLC”) and network transmission service peak load (“NSPL”) data for the Residential class are not adjusted for the NYPA allocation. Hourly load data for the Residential Class, which is broken down by load related to PECO’s default service customers (“Default Energy”) and load related to customers who have elected to be supplied by an Electric Generation Supplier (“EGS Energy”), is handled differently. In regard to the hourly load data for the Residential class, PECO subtracts the NYPA allocation from the Default Energy (MWh) column and adds a corresponding amount to the EGS Energy (MWh) column. For more information see the data description document posted to the Monthly data page in the Data Room.
12/16/2024 in Data
Does the hourly load data provided in the Data Room include transmission and distribution loss factors?
The hourly load data provided in the Data Room includes both applicable distribution and transmission losses. These hourly load values will be de-rated by PJM for marginal losses prior to energy settlement. PECO provides hourly marginal loss deration factors in the Data Room. Please see Section 3.a.iii. Assumptions on page 10 of the data description document for assumptions and additional information related to the hourly energy data provided.
12/16/2024 in Data
Are Default Suppliers responsible for the AEPS Quarterly Adjustments?
As fully described in Appendix E to the Uniform SMA, PECO provides Default Suppliers with an estimate of AEPS obligations following the second quarter of the AEPS reporting period with a final statement within thirty (30) calendar days of the end of the AEPS reporting period. Data on AEPS Quarterly Adjustments is available on the Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Credit Program website here: http://www.pennaeps.com/electricity-suppliers/.
12/16/2024 in Data
The hourly load data file posted in the data room for the small commercial group is missing data from 2/1/2024 through 5/31/2024 for the AL rate class. Can PECO post this missing data?
Hourly load data for the AL rate class is not currently available due to an internal system issue that is specific to this rate class and will not be available prior to the Bid Date for the September 2024 Solicitation. PECO is investigating this issue. There is currently one customer on the AL rate class, and that customer is not a default service customer.
11/18/2024 in Data
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