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July 28, 2009: Posting: Acceptable Modifications to the Standard Form of Guaranty

A document containing a comprehensive set of modifications to the Form of Guaranty that are acceptable to PECO for the Fall 2009 RFP is now available on the Supplier Information – Documents page. All modifications to the Form of Guaranty accepted for the benefit of a single RFP Bidder are available to all RFP Bidders on an optional basis. The acceptable modifications listed are deemed acceptable for both the Full Requirements RFP and the Block Energy RFP.

Each RFP Bidder that relies on the financial standing of a Guarantor must specify in the Part 1 Form whether it will be using an alternate guaranty form approved by PECO through the Guaranty Process, or whether it is electing to incorporate any of the approved modifications to the Form of Guaranty.

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