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January 13, 2020: Announcing the Seventh Solicitation under PECO’s DSP IV; Posting - RFP Documents for March 2020 Solicitation

 PECO is holding a seventh solicitation under DSP IV to procure full requirements service for three classes of customers:  the residential class, the small commercial class, and the consolidated large commercial and industrial class.  The Bid Date is Tuesday, March 10, 2020.  To submit bids in this solicitation, a supplier must present its qualifications through the submission of a Part 1 Proposal by 12 PM (noon) EST on Tuesday, February 25, 2020.

The Independent Evaluator has posted the following documents to the Supplier Information / Documents page:



Additionally, the calendar for the March 2020 Solicitation is now available on the Calendar page of the RFP website.


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